After almost 5 years of our organization, 2022 is special for us, after we had an abroad and local affiliation last year, this year we continue making great collaborations with them. This special year we accomplished 4 major programs of our foundation, 1. RWYC Workshop, 2. International Participation, 3. Visiting Historical Sites and 4. Research and Journal Publishing. This year is the most productive program so far for our Foundation. We successfully finished more than 20 programs with great collaborations local and international.
We are grateful that in every program we carry on we have a great supported team leading to success of each program. This time we want to convey a deep thank you to every member and affiliates who together with us created and made great events for culture to become major in every level of education including elementary school until university. Deep gratitude to D. Paul Schafer from Canada, head of World Culture Project, Prof. Olimpia Niglio, Prof. Rana P.B. Singh, Prof Benno Werlen, Prof. Thomas Legrand, Prof Fatimah Salihah, Dre. Fabiola Colmenero, Kevin A. Echeverry B., Prof. Ako Katagiri and Prof. Shinichi Yanno from RWYC Networks for the great collaboration that we carried on in every event this year.
And our local affiliates we convey multi gratitude and deep thank you for great collaboration we carried on this year, especially to Directorate General of Culture Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Hilmar Farid and his team, Ichinogami and Perikertas, Mr. Rauf Raphanus, Dr. I Putu Gede Suyoga, Ira Indrawardana, Velyne and Kholisha from University of Indonesia, Mrs. Yenny and Mrs. Ayu from SMPN 1 Kedawung Cirebon and whole RWYC Indonesia team Asri Wulandari, Wilita Putrinda, Elena Sachnaz, Bening Sukmagati, Rengga, and many more. Not to mention, the whole Sanustra team, Mr. Yusuf Darmawan as founder of Sanustra, and the whole team Gita from LTKL, Fithor Fariz, Natasya Davega, Diedra, Nur Fitrah, Adi Nugroho and many more notwithstanding to our sponsor PT. Migas Hulu Jabar and PT. Sabuga Saff Madani.
Most importantly, we express great gratitude to more than 200 children of Ambassadors of Culture from Aceh to Papua. Thanks for the enthusiasm and participation and endless effort to preserve local culture. Let's continue our journey to preserve culture. Duta Budaya | Jaga Budaya.
From the depth of our heart we say thank you and let’s do another collaboration in 2023 and more. Together, let's continue this joint work next year and beyond to promote culture as the key to sustainable development.
Jakarta, 2 January 2023
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Mira Sartika
Governing Board
We are grateful that in every program we carry on we have a great supported team leading to success of each program. This time we want to convey a deep thank you to every member and affiliates who together with us created and made great events for culture to become major in every level of education including elementary school until university. Deep gratitude to D. Paul Schafer from Canada, head of World Culture Project, Prof. Olimpia Niglio, Prof. Rana P.B. Singh, Prof Benno Werlen, Prof. Thomas Legrand, Prof Fatimah Salihah, Dre. Fabiola Colmenero, Kevin A. Echeverry B., Prof. Ako Katagiri and Prof. Shinichi Yanno from RWYC Networks for the great collaboration that we carried on in every event this year.
And our local affiliates we convey multi gratitude and deep thank you for great collaboration we carried on this year, especially to Directorate General of Culture Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Hilmar Farid and his team, Ichinogami and Perikertas, Mr. Rauf Raphanus, Dr. I Putu Gede Suyoga, Ira Indrawardana, Velyne and Kholisha from University of Indonesia, Mrs. Yenny and Mrs. Ayu from SMPN 1 Kedawung Cirebon and whole RWYC Indonesia team Asri Wulandari, Wilita Putrinda, Elena Sachnaz, Bening Sukmagati, Rengga, and many more. Not to mention, the whole Sanustra team, Mr. Yusuf Darmawan as founder of Sanustra, and the whole team Gita from LTKL, Fithor Fariz, Natasya Davega, Diedra, Nur Fitrah, Adi Nugroho and many more notwithstanding to our sponsor PT. Migas Hulu Jabar and PT. Sabuga Saff Madani.
Most importantly, we express great gratitude to more than 200 children of Ambassadors of Culture from Aceh to Papua. Thanks for the enthusiasm and participation and endless effort to preserve local culture. Let's continue our journey to preserve culture. Duta Budaya | Jaga Budaya.
From the depth of our heart we say thank you and let’s do another collaboration in 2023 and more. Together, let's continue this joint work next year and beyond to promote culture as the key to sustainable development.
Jakarta, 2 January 2023
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Mira Sartika
Governing Board